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Master Plan


Hudson Bay Mountain has a Master Development Agreement with the Province to allow for the development of the master planned village and lift.

In fact, it is the only resort north of Sun Peaks to have this designation. In preparing the Master Plan for this Agreement we studied the entire Mountain and formulated a plan for the phased development of the area. Realizing on this development will depend on market conditions over time but certainly the momentum in the Northwest of BC is a very positive factor that supports the continued evolution of Hudson Bay Mountain Resort.

Mountain Village Real Estate Map

The Master Plan integrates recreational facilities and real estate development in a logical manner. While the Agreement is with the Province, the regional government of Bulkley Valley Nechako governs the zoning and issues Building Permits for construction on the Mountain. Throughout the development of the plan and to this day we work closely with the Wet’suwet’en and are currently involved in creating joint venture projects with them on the Mountain.

Mountain Terrain


Hudson Bay Mountain is a big mountain with terrain available for multiple new lifts.

The anticipated new lifts identified in Figure 1 will provide excellent terrain extensions to most of the runs on Skyline Chair such as Ptarmigan and Chapman and provides for significant extensions to the existing runs.

These lifts will be placed to be totally free from any of the wind effect that occasionally impacts the existing lifts and benefits from being in the lee of the wind so that snow accumulates and remains in this area. 

Figure 1. Mountain Terrain Map


Village Location


The location for Hudson Bay Mountain Village was chosen in order to provide for maximum views and winter sun exposure in terrain that is buildable and accessible.

We fully achieved these goals with the location that is highlighted in Figure 2.

In agreement with the Bulkley Valley Nechako Regional District, 100% of the development contemplated in Figure 2 will be fully serviced which, at a minimum, means accessible by road with hydro, water and sewer hook ups at the property lines.

Figure 2. Mountain Village Real Estate Map




We have a set of Architecture Guidelines for development in Hudson Bay Mountain Village.

Our pur­pose for these Guide­lines is to pro­vide as­sis­tance to own­ers and their ar­chi­tects in plan­ning and de­sign­ing homes for con­struc­tion on the Moun­tain. It may seem ob­vi­ous but we are in a real snow zone on the Moun­tain. It is im­por­tant to keep this in mind when de­sign­ing or se­lect­ing sup­pli­ers for your home on the Moun­tain. At moun­tain re­sorts around North Amer­ica we con­tinue to see ex­am­ples of poor de­sign that does not work well in snow coun­try.

The ob­jec­tive here is to in­tro­duce the Guide­lines not to re­place them. We en­cour­age you to re­view the Guide­lines but in do­ing so keep in mind that these for the most part are sug­ges­tions and rec­om­men­da­tions based on “Best Prac­tices” for de­sign­ing in snow coun­try.

Re­quest a copy of the Ar­chi­tec­ture Guide­lines from our sales rep­re­sen­ta­tive or click on this link.


Figure 3. Alpine Way Map


Alpine Way

No development will ever occur downhill from this location.

We chose to start with Alpine Way, Figure 3, as it has the first sun in the morning and the last sun at night and offers the best views for which no development will ever occur downhill from this location. It is also the location that is already accessed by two existing ski trails and easy access to Skyline Lodge.

As we build out along Alpine Way we will re­view our plans for the lands above this lo­ca­tion. De­pend­ing on mar­ket con­di­tions we will likely change the na­ture and lo­ca­tion of some of the planned de­vel­op­ment to bet­ter meet the mar­ket re­quire­ments. At the pre­sent time there are al­ready over 100 pri­vate cab­ins on the Moun­tain. Our short term goal is to dou­ble that num­ber while es­tab­lish­ing the foun­da­tion for a unique moun­tain com­mu­nity that re­spects its her­itage in a nat­ural set­ting while bring­ing fun­da­men­tal com­fort and value to every­one who chooses to make their moun­tain home on Hud­son Bay Moun­tain.

Now SellingHudsonBayEstatesPropertyCircle.jpg

Homes set in Pristine Natural Alpine 

These home sites are sus­tain­ably set in the pris­tine nat­ural alpine of Hud­son Bay Moun­tain with breath­tak­ing moun­tain and val­ley views. While all Moun­tain Vil­lage neigh­bour­hoods will en­joy the ben­e­fits of slope-side liv­ing, The Es­tates’ sun-soaked, larger build­ing sites pro­vide the ex­clu­sive op­por­tu­nity to build your fam­ily-sized dream home. Sun­rise to sun­set ex­po­sure and eas­ily ac­cessed, the very be­gin­ning of Moun­tain Vil­lage, The Es­tates, of­fers the best build­ing sites, ide­ally lo­cated just off the main moun­tain road and only a few min­utes drive from down­town Smithers.